Simone Piva 
Per molti gli Extreme sono quelli di "More Than Words", ma chi li conosce bene sa che la band di Boston è di tutt'altra pasta.
Mentre Nuno è impegnato con Rhianna, Gary Cherone ci ha parlato un pò del nuovo Take Us Alive e del passato degli Extreme.

Ciao Gary, you've just released your new CD & DVD "Take Us Alive" ...why did it take so long to record a live album?
Well if you consider we reunited 2 years ago, its not that long at all. We were gone for 13 years so it seems long. We put out a record and documented it. Actually we did document the Pornograffitti tour but the footage was never released.
It's been recorded in Boston, was it really the best gig or it's meant to please your hometown ;-) ?
The tour basically started in Boston and ended back in Boston so we figured it would be a great way to finish. Being the last night, we wanted to give back to the fans who have been with us since the early club days.
After so many years, what was like to share the stage with
3/4 of the original line up for the "Saudades de rock"
It felt like home. There’s just s special chemistry when we all get into a room together.
Your songs have always covered different styles and genres from "Cupid's Dead" to "Am I Ever Gonna Change" or "Take Us Alive" (all of them well displayed in this live show) .. do you still feel confortable within the hard rock boundaries?
Yes. Extreme could never be tied down to one genre. If you listen to the entire record or the whole catalogue, than it starts to make collective sense.
The set list covers your whole career, do you still enjoy playing the old stuff... especially when it's time for "More Than Words"? Absolutely. Actually the older catalogue feels very fresh with Figg on drums. He adds a new fire to those songs. More Than Words has become a duet between the band and the audience and always a highlight for the fans.
I think since "III sides..." your lyrics have become more and more reflective ... with a special emphasis on peace; do you think the world is a better place now than it was until a few years ago?
The longer I live on the planet the more I realize things are the same. Neither worse nor better.
Talking about "King of the Ladies", can you give us a hint of what you know right now that you didn't know back then?
Just in case we might save time ... You will have to watch the video for that answer!
You had been introduced by Brian May like "the band that more than anyone else understood Queen", or something like that ... was it the highlight of your career? If not, which one?
Yes, that day would be hard to top. Definitely a career highlight.
The song "Play with me" has been included in Guitar Hero, do you think it brought any new & younger fans?
Do you think Nuno would still be Nuno - the Guitar Hero we know and love if he played GH instead of a real guitar when he was 9?
We have a lot of new fans that discovered the band through Guitar Hero. Nuno is terrible at the game so it’s a good thing he stuck to a real guitar.
It's most of the fan's curiosity: how did Nuno end up playing with Rihanna?
He is friends with her musical director who had reached out to Nuno to see if he would be interested in doing her tour. At first he said no but after he heard they wanted to go in a heavier direction live, he went down to a rehearsal and was really impressed. He sounds great with the band.
You have always had the "good guys" attitude, have you ever had any problem with the law o some strange event you can tell us?
Do you guys have any strange hobby besides, obviously, making music? Actually Figg (our new drummer) got arrested in NYC during the first week of the tour. He’s got more rockstar in him than we do! We make light of it in the King of the Ladies video.
We saw you at the rock of ages festival in milan, coheadlining with "twisted sisters" ; what's the plan now?
Tour? A new album? Nuno and I are in the process of writing a new record. We will be sending ideas back in forth this summer while he is on tour with Rihanna. We will tour as well.
We wish to see you again in Europe soon, until then ...
we're glad you're back!
Thanks so much.