

Moreno Lissoni
Traduzione Claudia Schiavone

Il superimpegnatissimo GILBY CLARKE ci ha dedicato qualche minuto per rispondere ad alcune domande. Avremmo voluto chiedergli mille altre cose, ma non abbiamo osato rubargli altro tempo.

Let's start talking about Supernova: Butch Walker has produced the album and you can hear his personal touch in some of its songs. How was it working with him and the other band members? What the about the T-Rex influences you can hear in the albu m?
this was a strange record to make. butch is easy to work with, he's very song oriented. where im more about the band sound. i really wanted to make a rock record, and establish this as a new band. so i thought the strength of the band would be what we do best. loud guitars, big driving drums & a nasty bass.

Is there anyone of the people who took part to the reality that is likely to be got wind of?
yes, there were a few established singers that wanted to be a part of it. but then we wouldn't have a tv show.

How did you get to choose Johnny Colt, after Jason Newsted left?
Johnny is friend of mine. he's been playing in train for the last few years. he told me they were working on a new record, and not touring for awhile.

Sebastian Bach recently said in an interview: "I watched that once and that just wasn't for me, that show... To me, that seems like karaoke or something. Like when somebody gets up and sings somebody else's song and... you gotta write your own shit, you know what I'm saying? I mean, I don't know... I only watched it once but I was pretty burnt out on rock and roll reality shows at that point... But it was 'Super' in the name: Supergroup, Supernova... Superthis, Superthat, fuckin' Superman, fuckin' Superman Returns. Super, Super, Super! I'd had enough of it".
Have you got something to say? What do you think of him jamming onstage with Axl Rose?
i didn't agree with alot of the rules of the show, but this was a opputurnity to put rock n roll on national tv. we're talking 8 - 9 million a nite. rock n roll is dying fast. it needs more exposure. these kids got to do their original songs live in front of more people in one night, than saw the supergroup series.

Let's go back in time for a sec...some weeks ago I saw the video of "Whatever Happened To Fun" by Candy... what are your memories of that time? is it true there is a demo containing brand new unreleased songs?
Their is a cd out right now with old songs. i had a blast in candy, we were young dudes enjoying our youth.

6You have worked with and been the producer of many bands in the last years, tell me what you think of:
Dog Days: joel was cool, but the singer thought he was brett michaels
Beat Angels: great pop band. very rare integrity in their songs
Dad's Porno Mag: ryans one of my oldest pals, just helping him get phat drum sounds
Crash Kelly: love the guitar attack. it reminds me of all the music i dig
Triggerdaddy: tims a talented singer, that need some loud guitars
The Bronx: the perfect la punk band. very honest music, with a great groove.
Bullets and Octane: they stink, i couldn't record em' live.
Vains Of Jenna: love their attitude, very young and just need some time.
Shameless: alex is a funny guy, he really likes pretty boy floyd

And now your family. On "Rubber" you dedicated the song "Frankie's Planet" to your daughter Francesca...She watched "School of Rock" and then she started playing and I also know she is in a spot when she sees you in the crowd. Should she say: "Ok dad, I want to become a rockstar" what would you say to her? How would you advise her and what would you prevent her from doing?
frankie all ready is a rock star... and she can do whatever she wants.

Your wife Danielle has got her own jeans collection (www.frankieb.com) which will soon land here in Milan as well. Can you tell us something more? Shall we see he r model at the fashion shows Milano Moda?
daniella is a mogul, she's the next coca chanel. she's proof that the american dream is a reality.

Always about Italy, you have toured it and you've also been on holiday in Como, Rome, Venice...what's your best memory? Do you still feel like playing at the boat party?
i love the italian way, it agrees with me. i have wonderful memories of every trip to italy. maybe a villa is in the future.

Your new album will be released next January 20, a collection of songs taken from your past works. What can you tell us about that? What are Gilby Clark's resolutions for 2007?
this is a great collection of my solo history. it's about time we put this out.
no resolutions this y ear, i had a great 2006, just want to stay above ground another year.

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