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100 migliori dischi glam metal

I 100 Migliori Dischi Glam Metal

Federico Martinelli – Moreno Lissoni – Gaetano Fezza

Una generazione di musicisti che hanno riscritto la storia recente del Rock’n’Roll partendo da basi comuni per poi personalizzarle. Questi sono i protagonisti di un decennio indimenticabile (1984 – 1994) che viene ripercorso attraverso 100 dischi di 100 band che seppure inseriti spesso in vari sottogeneri (glam, sleaze, hair metal) hanno rappresentato per molti una scena ben definita e assolutamente imprescindibile per chi ama la triade sesso, sudore e Rock’n’Roll.

Gli Autori:

Federico Martinelli, Moreno Lissoni e Gaetano Fezza condividono da parecchi anni la stessa passione per il rock’n’roll, hanno vissuto in prima persona l’esplosione della scena glam/sleaze degli anni ‘80-’90 e da molti anni ne scrivono su Slam!. Programmi radio condotti, concerti organizzati, attività di management e grafica di cd e merchandise sono solo alcune delle attività che li hanno visti coinvolti in questi anni, garantendogli una conoscenza della materia a più livelli.

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  1. Aerosmith Permanent Vacation
  2. Alice Cooper Trash
  3. Alleycat Scratch Deadboys in trash city
  4. Almighty (the) Soul destruction
  5. Asphalt Ballet Asphalt Ballet
  6. Babysitters (The) The Babysitters
  7. Badlands Badlands
  8. Bang Gang Love Sells
  9. Bang Tango Psycho Café
  10. Bangalore Choir On Target
  11. Big bang Babies Black Market
  12. Black Crowes (The) Shake Your Money Maker
  13. Black ‘N Blue Nasty Nasty
  14. Blackeyed Susan Electric rattlebone
  15. Bon Jovi New Jersey
  16. Boohoos (The) Rocks for real
  17. Britny Fox Britny Fox
  18. Brother Cane Brother Cane
  19. Cats In Boots Kicked & klawed
  20. Cinderella Long cold winter
  21. Circus Of Power Circus of power
  22. Company Of Wolves Company of wolves
  23. D.A.D. No fuel left for the pilgrims
  24. D’Molls D’Molls
  25. Danger Danger Screw it!
  26. Dangerous Toys Hellacious acres
  27. Def Leppard Hysteria
  28. Dirty Looks Cool from the wire
  29. Dogs D’Amour (The) In the dynamite jet saloon
  30. Dokken Under lock and key
  31. Electric Angels Electric angels
  32. Enuff Z’Nuff Enuff z’Nuff
  33. Faster Pussucat Faster pussycat
  34. Firehouse Firehouse
  35. Four Horsemen (the) Nobody said it was easy
  36. Georgia Satellites Georgia satellites
  37. Great White Once bitten
  38. Guns N’ Roses Appetite for destruction
  39. Hangmen (The) Hangmen
  40. Hanoi Rocks Two steps from the move
  41. Hericane Alice Tear the house down
  42. Jetboy Feel the shake
  43. Johnny Crash Neighbourhood threat
  44. Junkyard Junkyard
  45. Kiss Crazy nights
  46. Kix Blow my fuse
  47. L.A. Guns L.A. Guns
  48. Law And Order Guilty of innocence
  49. Little Caesar Little Caesar
  50. Love/Hate Blackout in the red room
  51. Lynch Mob Wicked sensation
  52. McQueen Street McQueen Street
  53. Michael Monroe Not fakin’ it
  54. Miss Daisy Pizza connection
  55. Mötley Crüe Dr. Feelgood
  56. Mr. Big Lean into it
  57. Poison Look what the cat dragged in
  58. Pretty Boy Floyd Leather boyz with electric toyz
  59. Princess Pang Princess Pang
  60. Quiet Riot Condition critical
  61. Quireboys A bit of what you fancy
  62. Ratt Out of the cellar
  63. Rock City Angels Young man’s blues
  64. Roxx Gang Things you’ve never done before
  65. Roxy Blue Want some?
  66. Royal Court Of China Geared & primed
  67. Salty Dog Every dog has its day
  68. Scream (The) Let it scream
  69. Sea Hags Sea Hags
  70. Shabby Trick Badass
  71. Shake The Faith America the violent
  72. Shotgun Messiah Second coming
  73. Skid Row Skid Row
  74. Slaughter Stick it to ya
  75. Smack Radical
  76. Soho Roses The third and final insult
  77. Spread Eagle Spread Eagle
  78. Star Star The love drag years
  79. Steelheart Tangled in reins
  80. Stryper To hell with the devil
  81. Tattoo Rodeo Rode hard – put away wet
  82. Tesla Mechanical resonance
  83. Throbs (The) The language of thieves and vagabonds
  84. Tigertailz Bezerk
  85. Tora Tora Surprise attack
  86. Trixter Hear!
  87. Tuff What comes around goes around
  88. Twisted Sister Stay hungry
  89. Two Bit Thief Another sad story… in the big city
  90. Uncle Sam Heaven or hollywood
  91. Vain No Respect
  92. Van Halen mcmlxxxiv
  93. W.A.S.P. W.A.S.P.
  94. War Babies War babies
  95. Warrant Cherry pie
  96. White Lion Pride
  97. Whitesnake 1987
  98. Wildhearts Earth vs. the wildhearts
  99. Wrathchild Stakk attakk
  100. Zodiac Mindwarp and the Love Reaction Tattooed beat messiah


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