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I Bon Jovi pubblicano il video di “Unbroken”

Bon Jovi Unbroken
1 novembre 2019 è uscita "Unbroken", canzone tema principale del film documentario di esclusiva Netflix "To Be Of Service".

“Unbroken” farà parte delle 10 canzoni che comporranno il nuovo album dei Bon Jovi la cui uscita è prevista nella primavera del prossimo anno dal titolo “Bon Jovi 2020“.

La pubblicazione di Unbroken è stata anticipata in concomitanza con la presentazione nei cinema americani del film documentario dedicato ai soldati veterani affetti da PTSD: Post Traumatic Social Disororder e ai loro amici a quattro zampe, i cani che con il loro sevizio, amore e compagnia aiutano i veterani in tutti i modi possibili, a volte più delle persone. Unbroken non è da considerarsi però come il classico primo singolo che anticipa l’album, ma come una colonna sonora che verrà poi inclusa nell’album.

Jon Bon Jovi ha pubblicato un breve video di presentazione per questa canzone:

Unbroken è disponibile in download digitale e tutti i proventi andranno alla Patriotic Service Dog Foundation, la fondazione che si occupa dei cani in servizio e che saranno affidati ai veterani.

E’ possibile scaricarlo sulle piattaforme di streaming musicali come Spotify, Itunes, Amazon Unlimited, Google Music o guardate i video dai canali ufficiali facciamo vedere che l’Italia c’è, sempre e comunque.

I was born to be of service
Camp Lejeune just felt like home
I had honor, I found purpose
Sir, yes, sir, that’s what I know

They sent us to a place
I’d never heard of weeks before
When you’re 19 it ain’t hard to sleep
In the desert on God’s floor

Close your eyes, stop counting sheep
You ain’t in boot camp anymore

We were taught to shoot our rifles
Men and women side by side
Thought we’d be met as liberators
In a thousand-year-old fight

I got this painful ringing in my ear
From an IED last night
But no lead-lined Humvee war machine
Could save my sergeant’s life

Three more soldiers, six civilians
Need these words to come out right

God of mercy, God of light
Save your children from this life
Hear these words, this humble plea
For I have seen the suffering
And with this prayer I’m hoping
That we can be unbroken

It’s eighteen months now I’ve been stateside
With this medal on my chest
But there are things I can’t remember
And there are things I won’t forget

I lie awake at night
With dreams the devil shouldn’t see
I want to scream but I can’t breathe
And, Christ, I’m sweating through these sheets

Where’s my brothers? Where’s my country?
Where’s my how-things-used-to-be

God of mercy, God of light
Save your children from this life
Hear these words, this humble plea
For I have seen the suffering
And with this prayer I’m hoping
That we can be unbroken

My service dog’s done more for me
Than the medication would
There ain’t no angel that’s coming to save me
But even if they could

Today twenty-two will die from suicide
Just like yesterday, they’re gone
I live my life for each tomorrow
So their memories will live on

Once we were boys and we were strangers
Now we’re brothers and we’re men
Someday you’ll ask me “Was it worth it
To be of service in the end?”

Well, the blessing and the curse is
Yeah, I’d do it all again

Musica e parole: Jon Bon Jovi

Fonte: www.bonjoviclubitalia.com


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